Absolute Moments of Contemplation
Because of Fishing Lake and the land on which a building is built tri-centenary (30 ha of land) were classified as "Sensitive Natural Area" (ENS), it was both essential and obvious to base the future on a hotel establishment concept ecolodge. Especially since this site offers real natural flora and fauna with the passage of migratory birds on the lake and more than 500 deer counted in the Massif de la Pinatelle but also stoats, martens, foxes ... It
order to optimize the natural heritage that the Community of communes of the Pays de Murat includes actions for the development of the site such as wildlife management fishery, open to fishing with the construction of a pontoon handipêche, creating a trail around the site with interpretive stations or a bird observatory.
For the same reason that we offer at the opening of the great escapes themed exploration and contemplation of nature with free access to the house as the center and the Pinatelle remarkable tool for interpretation Nature and territory of the volcano. Temporary exhibits, a scenic area dedicated to nature and landscapes cantaliens staged in innovative ways with new technology (big screen, relief model animated, touch screens ...) you will better understand the land of wide open spaces .
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
How Long Does The Effect Of Plan B
retain traditional varieties Polynesian coconut
We had the pleasure of receiving a letter from the association Te Mana O Te Moana, incorporating a decision of the family of Marlon Brando and Pacific Company Beachcomber SC.
This letter confirms the integration of five blocks of the famous atoll of Tetiaroa, which was acquired for 99 years by actor Marlon Brando, in the conservatory project "POLYMOTU.
Five varieties of traditional Polynesian coconut Tetiaroa will therefore be kept at a rate of one variety per block.
The "Polymotu" provides for the planting of 25 varieties of coconut over fifty islands and remote valleys and the fact of starting with a symbolic dimension Tetiaroa gives very positive project.
That said, we still have another 45 islands and valleys to find ....
For more information on the project Polymotu, check the blog: http://polymotu.blogspot.com/
That said, we still have another 45 islands and valleys to find ....
For more information on the project Polymotu, check the blog: http://polymotu.blogspot.com/
Denise Milani Black Dresse
Rescue in extremis coconut horned Tetiaroa!
A rare coconut with horn was present on the atoll motu Onetahi Tetiaroa . Only Teihotu, son of Marlon Brando, knew the exact location of a coconut tree. Teihotu also refused to disclose this location. In 2006, he gave me a fruit (very old, therefore sterile) of the coconut. I still have this fruit, which I thoroughly aired the photographs (see message of 17 February 2009 published in this blog).
It turns out that coconut to the location kept secret has been killed by mistake during the recent motu Onetahi amenities.
This is sometimes the price of secrecy ...
A rare coconut with horn was present on the atoll motu Onetahi Tetiaroa . Only Teihotu, son of Marlon Brando, knew the exact location of a coconut tree. Teihotu also refused to disclose this location. In 2006, he gave me a fruit (very old, therefore sterile) of the coconut. I still have this fruit, which I thoroughly aired the photographs (see message of 17 February 2009 published in this blog).
It turns out that coconut to the location kept secret has been killed by mistake during the recent motu Onetahi amenities.
So we asked to search among the nuts fall to the ground while some had the characteristics of coconut with horn.
Cecile Gaspar, President of the association Te Mana O Te Moana, was able to find ten seeds that could be transferred to the nursery. Some of these seeds germinated, as shown in the photos below cons. If the coconut to horn has disappeared, at least their genes they are saved, and we will find coconut palms in this horned offspring.
In 2006, when I was on Tetiaroa, we asked Teihotu, son of Marlon Brando to collect seeds and coconut horned planting. Since then, Teihotu moved Tetiaroa. During my visit to Tahiti in 2009, I was unable to contact him.
In contrast, according to Cecilia, it appears that he followed my advice and has him also planted some plants in coconut horn yet he will know precisely where these young coconuts are located.
One of the thirteen islands of Tetiaroa should be replanted with coconut seeds with horns, while retaining the other plant species. These seeds come from Tetiaroa but also other islands in French Polynesia in which lurk a few coconuts to horn.
It is certain that this particular island will become even more iconic, such as the Vallee de Mai Praslin Island in Seychelles, which thrive in the famous coco-butt ...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Manual For Gemmy Incredible Holiday Light Show
The three selected logos /
Original idea Columbine Dubail
Story by Camille Lefort
Original idea of Alison Brown
Contest idea offered to students to upgrade Applied Arts / Vauréal .
Projects supervised by Estelle and Sophie Raguideau Perdriel, applied arts teachers.

Original idea Columbine Dubail
Story by Camille Lefort
Original idea of Alison Brown
Contest idea offered to students to upgrade Applied Arts / Vauréal .
Projects supervised by Estelle and Sophie Raguideau Perdriel, applied arts teachers.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Hot Flash And Dizziness
The Pass books does not in circulation books abandoned or lost, it does not build up a personal library at little cost. The goal is really establish a network of readers, players sharing books and reading emotions.
After being mothballed for nearly two years, the operation has been relaunched from 10 March 2009, with the hope that it can be continued throughout 2009 and beyond.
What books?
To power the game, its organizers have a stock of 300 books given by publishers, authors, and some individuals. The public will be asked again to replenish the fund, since the idea is good just to give a book that we loved and we want to share with other "reader-traffickers.
Where can I find books?
Everything is centralized at the Maison du Livre. From there, the books circulate elsewhere in the city to other municipalities and even across the country.
This is an operation that allows readers to "playing" with books . It is an American computer scientist of 37 years, Ron Hornbaker, who was in 2000, invented the concept. The approach consists to "liberate" books, leaving them in clear evidence in various public places so that readers find them, read them and have them move back by handing them into the circuit. It is estimated that there are every day around the world 500 new readers begin to practice the game nearly 200,000 players each year!
On the occasion of the exhibition "Books in the city which took place in July 2006, local publishers and authors had already launched such an operation. The experiment is now repeated on a larger scale.
On the occasion of the exhibition "Books in the city which took place in July 2006, local publishers and authors had already launched such an operation. The experiment is now repeated on a larger scale.
The Pass books does not in circulation books abandoned or lost, it does not build up a personal library at little cost. The goal is really establish a network of readers, players sharing books and reading emotions.
After being mothballed for nearly two years, the operation has been relaunched from 10 March 2009, with the hope that it can be continued throughout 2009 and beyond.
What books?
To power the game, its organizers have a stock of 300 books given by publishers, authors, and some individuals. The public will be asked again to replenish the fund, since the idea is good just to give a book that we loved and we want to share with other "reader-traffickers.
Where can I find books?
Everything is centralized at the Maison du Livre. From there, the books circulate elsewhere in the city to other municipalities and even across the country.
For more information, visit the pass-books
THE HOUSE OF THE BOOK OF NEW CALEDONIA http://maisondulivrenc.blogspot.com/ Email: ncmaisondulivre@gmail.com
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Initiated in Montreal, initially by People's Aid, the adventure of writing Book was born in the Pacific, will Sylvia Couraud who launched the idea at the 4th book fair Polynesian in 2005. This book writing, reprinted 10,000 copies includes 16 blank pages A5 .
Distributed free throughout, it is filled by all those who wish to own and learn this book anonymously, showing, with a reservoir of words can also serve as shifters, 8 proposals writing.
◊ I have a dream for my island ... ,
◊ I tell the story of my family ... ,
◊ What makes me happy ...
These papers will then be collected in order to edit this time, a book of popular expression , comic anthology of responses and / or written the most eloquent, the most moving.
It turns out that the book writing adventure, attempted in his time in Polynesia, has met with tremendous success, which encouraged developers to propose the MLNC here as this formula.
◊ I have a dream for my island ... ,
◊ I tell the story of my family ... ,
◊ What makes me happy ...

These papers will then be collected in order to edit this time, a book of popular expression , comic anthology of responses and / or written the most eloquent, the most moving.
It turns out that the book writing adventure, attempted in his time in Polynesia, has met with tremendous success, which encouraged developers to propose the MLNC here as this formula.
Here is an excerpt from the book (page 3):
This book is yours, yours.
is a space of expression open to all.
You are free to write as you want,
few words, some phrases, or much more,
in French and Kanak languages.
is a space of expression open to all.
You are free to write as you want,
few words, some phrases, or much more,
in French and Kanak languages.
You can write on every page, or
choose the one (s) you prefer.
A reservoir of words awaits you at the first
and the last page. You'll find
words that will inspire you and maybe help you.
You can also draw and paint on the book.
When you're done, remember
return it to us. All libraries
points and reading can be approved.
You can also send it by mail to the library
Bernheim, BP G1, 98848 Noumea.
If you're enrolled, you can submit
your institution, your teacher, your teacher or
we will do so.
10,000 free books circulating in New Caledonia.
Your writings will be collected.
The selected texts will
publish a book that will be yours, who will hear your voice.
choose the one (s) you prefer.
A reservoir of words awaits you at the first
and the last page. You'll find
words that will inspire you and maybe help you.
You can also draw and paint on the book.
When you're done, remember
return it to us. All libraries
points and reading can be approved.
You can also send it by mail to the library
Bernheim, BP G1, 98848 Noumea.
If you're enrolled, you can submit
your institution, your teacher, your teacher or
we will do so.
10,000 free books circulating in New Caledonia.
Your writings will be collected.
The selected texts will
publish a book that will be yours, who will hear your voice.
THE HOUSE OF THE BOOK OF NEW CALEDONIA http://maisondulivrenc.blogspot.com/ Email: ncmaisondulivre@gmail.com
Sunday, March 22, 2009
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Overview MLNC (role, tasks and objectives)
Address and contacts MLNC
From the President
members MLNC
Useful Links Photo Gallery
The discourse of signing the lease - March 2010
The inaugural address - in March 2009
Overview MLNC (role, tasks and objectives)
Address and contacts MLNC
From the President
members MLNC
Useful Links Photo Gallery
The discourse of signing the lease - March 2010
The inaugural address - in March 2009
THE HOUSE OF THE BOOK OF NEW CALEDONIA http://maisondulivrenc.blogspot.com/ Email: ncmaisondulivre @ gmail. com
Monday, March 9, 2009
Do Write Write Special Skills
The opening of the House Book of New Caledonia is not across the country, an innocuous event. This new space, deliberately installed in an emblematic place in the capital, in the heart of Faubourg Blanchot, wants, indeed, a place of hospitality, entertainment, creativity and resources for all book professionals (authors, illustrators, publishers ...), but for many readers, eager to cross entries and new knowledge.
Federation of Associations, the MLNC intended to eventually become public institution to promote and disseminate the best book from all Caledonians. The
MLNC itself as "a place that creates the link," a structure that will be networked, and throughout, all art forms related to the book.
The structure is designed from the outset the general public and cultural practices of the most popular band comic, street arts, informal meetings, screenings ...
It has a long-term task, a real public service, which should challenge the collective thought on behalf of the right to expression and (re) cognition.
Frédéric Ohlen,
Speaker of the House of the Book of New Caledonia.
HOUSE BOOK OF NEW CALEDONIA http://maisondulivrenc.blogspot.com/ Email: ncmaisondulivre@gmail.com
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Madam Vice-President of the South Province,
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends
Frédéric Ohlen
Speech delivered on March 6, 2009 at the cocktail of inauguration of the House and signed Célières Letter of commitment MLNC -Hall.
Madam Vice-President of the South Province,
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends
We here at the end of a long road. And, like many men and women gathered here this evening, I feel hopeful because I know there's no end in itself, result that is an opportunity for re -beginning with new challenges and new adventures to live.
Many strides have been made, many words have already been say. I will go straight to the point.
To make sure first that Célières Renee was happy and proud to see his house renovated to become one day the House of the Book of New Caledonia. She loved to read, and his generosity, altruism is naturally concerned with the love of words and the world, commitment and selflessness.
To tell you also that New Caledonia is not only a pebble or nickel this huge lagoon that we want all humanity. Of New Caledonia is also a land of creation, the bearer of songs, poems, lyrics and dances, a living heritage that we must continue to promote unabated.
In this book House, home town and crossroads of art, everyone should be able to come to finally realize the wealth of existing betting on the potential of our youth, finger and heart novels, anthologies, essays, New to better understand the world, their world and become, fiction and friction, such as packing and flint, more alive, more human.
creation in general and literature in particular gives meaning to our lives. Give read and write, is to allow everyone to recognize and be recognized. The literature also leads us to think and be exceeding our limits. She finally reconciles both sides of our identity: that which brings us back to the past, our heritage, and one that encourages us to dream and to build a common future.
creation enhances our ability to understand our ability to live together. Guarantor and light of our memories, it promotes mutual understanding, the recomposition of links, the cultural and social diversity. It helps to dissipate gradually misunderstandings, reduce tensions, it participates the recognition and enhancement of populations.
The opening of the House of the Book, is not across the country, everyone will understand, a harmless event. This space intentionally installed in an emblematic place in the heart of Faubourg Blanchot, will become a hub of entertainment, creativity and resources, whose actions should not fail to apply both the North and the Islands. Be
, Mr. Mayor, your place of deep gratitude to our side and all the institutional partners that have shaped this project: the Government, the State, provinces. The time for reflection is over. It is now for these communities to take together, for their financial commitments, the sustainability of this house not only of stone and metal, so long ago, I would say, echoing Anne Bihan pronounced formerly at the foot of the Mwa Ka, for a long time "on cave walls, on the desert sand in the wind of night, the crackling fire and onto their skin, men feel the need to enter something . And the equally powerful desire to stretch their voice to heaven and to other men. "
Frédéric Ohlen
THE HOUSE OF THE BOOK OF NEW CALEDONIA http://maisondulivrenc.blogspot.com/ Email: ncmaisondulivre@gmail.com
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
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History Tetiaroa coconut grove.
Tetiaroa The coconut grove was planted on the decision of Dr. Johnston Walter Williams, there are 80 to 100 years in order to produce copra. At the time, the planting technique consisted
, in most cases, cut off all natural vegetation, to let it dry and then burn everything before planting coconut trees by importing seed of a nut deemed planting, usually located on another island (Michel Guerin, personal communication).
current density of adult palms is very high, up to 450 palms per hectare, whereas the normal planting densities are about 100 to 200 coconuts per hectare. The accompanying figure compares the density of coconut Tetiaroa to that of a hybrid coconut plantation conducted using the standard norm. Maintenance of coconuts was done, at least to a certain period, by burning, "vacuum cleaning" by cutting and burning everything that was not coconut. Traces of this type of burn are visible on the trunk of old coconut trees in the northwest of the motu Onetahi. These planting techniques were harmful to the biodiversity of endemic species (Dupon, 1987). There were probably significant replanting after hurricanes.
harvesting coconuts and copra production ceased in the 1970s. Many coconut downed germinated Others are eaten by rats, whose population has increased. Nuts
coconut pierced by rats and partially filled with rainwater is an environment conducive to the proliferation of mosquitoes and flies. In the coconut
current Tetiaroa, 20 to 40% of coconut trees follow the original planting device. They are recognizable on the satellite photos to the fact that they are planted in a straight line, generally oriented north-south and east-west. These original coconut plantation are mainly localized on the motus Tiraunu, Hiraan and Horoatera. The coconuts are many other volunteer anarchic fruit coconut fell to the ground and germinated.
Total coconut Tetiaroa adults can be estimated at between 150,000 and 200,000 trees.
Tetiaroa The coconut grove was planted on the decision of Dr. Johnston Walter Williams, there are 80 to 100 years in order to produce copra. At the time, the planting technique consisted

current density of adult palms is very high, up to 450 palms per hectare, whereas the normal planting densities are about 100 to 200 coconuts per hectare. The accompanying figure compares the density of coconut Tetiaroa to that of a hybrid coconut plantation conducted using the standard norm. Maintenance of coconuts was done, at least to a certain period, by burning, "vacuum cleaning" by cutting and burning everything that was not coconut. Traces of this type of burn are visible on the trunk of old coconut trees in the northwest of the motu Onetahi. These planting techniques were harmful to the biodiversity of endemic species (Dupon, 1987). There were probably significant replanting after hurricanes.
harvesting coconuts and copra production ceased in the 1970s. Many coconut downed germinated Others are eaten by rats, whose population has increased. Nuts
current Tetiaroa, 20 to 40% of coconut trees follow the original planting device. They are recognizable on the satellite photos to the fact that they are planted in a straight line, generally oriented north-south and east-west. These original coconut plantation are mainly localized on the motus Tiraunu, Hiraan and Horoatera. The coconuts are many other volunteer anarchic fruit coconut fell to the ground and germinated.
Total coconut Tetiaroa adults can be estimated at between 150,000 and 200,000 trees.
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Coconut Genetic Resources Conservation and
The coconut palm was introduced into the Pacific Ocean from of Southeast Asia there is hundreds of years (Lepofsky et al., 1992).
The Polynesians have selected coconut trees suited to different uses, including successively introducing these new coconut trees on islands. They contributed to the creation of many varieties which morphological diversity is spectacular. The coconut has become part of the lifestyle of the Polynesians. Figure 2 shows a picture of the variability at the global level for the coconut fruit.
From 1870 to 1930, following the international market development of copra, the number of coconut trees planted in Polynesia French has been multiplied by a factor very high, probably about 80 to 100 (Guerin, personal communication). On coral soil, planting of coconut trees was conducted at the end of the century and renewed in part the result of major hurricanes of 1903 and 1906. In the high islands, an inland valley coconut grove was planted after the First World War.
Over the last two centuries, the Polynesian population has declined sharply, which inevitably led to a loss of traditional knowledge (Juventin, 2003). Changes socio-economic brutal affected Polynesia during the twentieth century were then exacerbated this loss of traditional knowledge. Regarding the coconut varieties that had been painstakingly selected over millennia by the Polynesians (Henry, 1928) were gradually diluted by the mass of coconut trees selected and used mainly to produce copra. The successive cyclones, especially during the 1980s, also strongly affected the coconut (Dupon, 1987).

From 1870 to 1930, following the international market development of copra, the number of coconut trees planted in Polynesia French has been multiplied by a factor very high, probably about 80 to 100 (Guerin, personal communication). On coral soil, planting of coconut trees was conducted at the end of the century and renewed in part the result of major hurricanes of 1903 and 1906. In the high islands, an inland valley coconut grove was planted after the First World War.
Over the last two centuries, the Polynesian population has declined sharply, which inevitably led to a loss of traditional knowledge (Juventin, 2003). Changes socio-economic brutal affected Polynesia during the twentieth century were then exacerbated this loss of traditional knowledge. Regarding the coconut varieties that had been painstakingly selected over millennia by the Polynesians (Henry, 1928) were gradually diluted by the mass of coconut trees selected and used mainly to produce copra. The successive cyclones, especially during the 1980s, also strongly affected the coconut (Dupon, 1987).
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history of human occupation of Tetiaroa

Tetiaroa is the only atoll in the archipelago of the Leeward Islands. It is located 42 km north of Tahiti. Its lagoon is encircled by 13 motu, which represent about 6 square miles of land mass. Figure 1 shows a satellite image of the atoll.
During the pre-European Tetiaroa was successively summer residence of the chiefs of Arue (village has since become common in Tahiti) and the royal Pomare family until it was abandoned by Queen Pomare IV. In 1904, the royal family offered Tetiaroa Dr. Johnston Walter Williams (1874-1937), only dentist on the island Tahiti and the British consul from 1916 to 1935.
In 1966, Marlon Brando acquires the land part of the atoll for 99 years (the remaining property of the lagoon area of maritime jurisdiction). The film "Mutiny on the Bounty" and the subsequent purchase of the atoll of Tetiaroa by Marlon Brando contributed significantly to the construction and dissemination of "Polynesian Myth" (as defined by Sherman, 2005) myth that has helped to promote tourism of French Polynesia.
During the pre-European Tetiaroa was successively summer residence of the chiefs of Arue (village has since become common in Tahiti) and the royal Pomare family until it was abandoned by Queen Pomare IV. In 1904, the royal family offered Tetiaroa Dr. Johnston Walter Williams (1874-1937), only dentist on the island Tahiti and the British consul from 1916 to 1935.
In 1966, Marlon Brando acquires the land part of the atoll for 99 years (the remaining property of the lagoon area of maritime jurisdiction). The film "Mutiny on the Bounty" and the subsequent purchase of the atoll of Tetiaroa by Marlon Brando contributed significantly to the construction and dissemination of "Polynesian Myth" (as defined by Sherman, 2005) myth that has helped to promote tourism of French Polynesia.
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A visit to Makapuno (Pathi) Island in Thailand ... The horned
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Discovery of a collection of coconut palms on Tetiaroa
Analysis of diversity coconut palms on Tetiaroa merely an observation of phenotypic trees. This first investigation could unfortunately not be duplicated by an Molecular analysis for lack of funding for laboratory work.
5 illustrates the variability of the fruit of the coconut trees on the atoll of Tetiaroa, this figure can be compared with Figure 2 which describes this same variability globally. Given that the land area of Tetiaroa does not exceed 6 km 2, the variability of the coconut fruit reached the atoll on an extraordinarily high level.
So many different kinds of coconut can hardly be met in a small area by the simple game of chance. We therefore assumed that someone has been on the motu Onetahi, bringing together a collection of coconut varieties. This collection was most probably planted at the time of Marlon Brando. He or his family have had to ask their friends to give them Polynesian seed the largest possible number of variety of coconut. . If the existence of this collection is obviously interesting, its scientific and practical interest is limited. The low number of trees planted by variety limits the representativeness of genetic varieties and the fact that all varieties are planted near each other will lead to mixtures, if one tries to reproduce.
No varieties of dwarf coconut palm is present on the atoll. With the exception of motus Onetahi and Rimaturu'u, Tetiaroa is planted with coconut trees typical large Polynesian selected for copra: Fruit medium sized, with thick wad of medium to low, nuts rather round shape to slightly oval, almond enough thick. However, the growth conditions of these coconuts are unfavorable. Soils have been impoverished by a long monoculture, rats can consume up to 70% of nuts on the trees and ground (Ribi et al. 2006) Fruits are few. This makes it difficult to assess varietal on purely morphological. To be more precise analysis should be conducted by microsatellite DNA sample leaf of fifty on each coconut motu. Fosberg and Sachet According
(1983) only a few coconut trees were planted on the Motu Aie, and all these coconuts had been slaughtered at the time of their visit. During our visit in 2007, we found the presence of a score of coconut trees on the motu, can be derived from regrowth spontanée.En regards varieties of coconut, the motu is the richest Onetahi. This is also where the growth conditions of the coconuts are best, so where varietal differences can best be expressed. The coconut
called 'Nape', or 'Puru', or 'Rau-'aha "correspond to several ancient Polynesian varieties specially selected for strings with the fibers of the pith (fruit coat). Some coconut trees of this type were found in two very limited areas of the Motu Onetahi. Again, trees of the same variety are planted in close proximity to each other.
Teihotu also indicated the existence on the Motu Onetahi, a coconut "medicinal". But it does recollection of his precise location. He was eventually appointed a green coconut with nuts, one of whose fruit is pictured in Figure 5. However, we are not entirely on whether many of the coconut "medicinal". Indeed, we observed a variety Tonga Polynesian coconut "medicinal", which had very specific characteristics: fruit oval and smaller than one color rather dark gray-green and easily recognizable, floss (husk of the fruit) tinted pink inside when the fruit is still young, and tend to self-fertilization. That said, it is not certain that the coconut tree called "medicinal" in French Polynesia is exactly the kind Tongan.
5 illustrates the variability of the fruit of the coconut trees on the atoll of Tetiaroa, this figure can be compared with Figure 2 which describes this same variability globally. Given that the land area of Tetiaroa does not exceed 6 km 2, the variability of the coconut fruit reached the atoll on an extraordinarily high level.

No varieties of dwarf coconut palm is present on the atoll. With the exception of motus Onetahi and Rimaturu'u, Tetiaroa is planted with coconut trees typical large Polynesian selected for copra: Fruit medium sized, with thick wad of medium to low, nuts rather round shape to slightly oval, almond enough thick. However, the growth conditions of these coconuts are unfavorable. Soils have been impoverished by a long monoculture, rats can consume up to 70% of nuts on the trees and ground (Ribi et al. 2006) Fruits are few. This makes it difficult to assess varietal on purely morphological. To be more precise analysis should be conducted by microsatellite DNA sample leaf of fifty on each coconut motu. Fosberg and Sachet According
(1983) only a few coconut trees were planted on the Motu Aie, and all these coconuts had been slaughtered at the time of their visit. During our visit in 2007, we found the presence of a score of coconut trees on the motu, can be derived from regrowth spontanée.En regards varieties of coconut, the motu is the richest Onetahi. This is also where the growth conditions of the coconuts are best, so where varietal differences can best be expressed. The coconut
called 'Nape', or 'Puru', or 'Rau-'aha "correspond to several ancient Polynesian varieties specially selected for strings with the fibers of the pith (fruit coat). Some coconut trees of this type were found in two very limited areas of the Motu Onetahi. Again, trees of the same variety are planted in close proximity to each other.
Teihotu also indicated the existence on the Motu Onetahi, a coconut "medicinal". But it does recollection of his precise location. He was eventually appointed a green coconut with nuts, one of whose fruit is pictured in Figure 5. However, we are not entirely on whether many of the coconut "medicinal". Indeed, we observed a variety Tonga Polynesian coconut "medicinal", which had very specific characteristics: fruit oval and smaller than one color rather dark gray-green and easily recognizable, floss (husk of the fruit) tinted pink inside when the fruit is still young, and tend to self-fertilization. That said, it is not certain that the coconut tree called "medicinal" in French Polynesia is exactly the kind Tongan.
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coconut palm (Coconut horned)
Regarding the varieties of coconut, the motu is the richest Onetahi. This is also where the growth conditions of the coconuts are best, so where varietal differences are best expressed. On Onetahi, there is an extremely rare form of coconut, coconut called horned: fluff (fruit coat) has two symmetric protrusions reminiscent of the horns, as illustrated by Photos attached.
A few copies of these coconuts were reported in Sri Lanka (Petch, 1924), the islands
Indian Andaman (Rajesh et al., 2008) and on the atoll of Rangiroa (Millaud, 1954) . There is another coconut tree of its kind on the Motu of the municipality of Tunga Anaa. These coconuts are known under the names or Haari Puaatoro Tara Tara.
Teihotu Brando has reported that several coconuts "horns" are grouped in the same area Onetahi motu, but only one of them provided fruit with horns regular and well formed. Most likely, many descendants a single horn in coconut were imported and planted side by side, but as the seeds were imported free of fertilization between the coconut trees, many derived from natural cross between a female parent "horned" and normal male relatives. Only a few descendants therefore express the character "to horn" of the female parent.
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