Analysis of diversity coconut palms on Tetiaroa merely an observation of phenotypic trees. This first investigation could unfortunately not be duplicated by an Molecular analysis for lack of funding for laboratory work.
5 illustrates the variability of the fruit of the coconut trees on the atoll of Tetiaroa, this figure can be compared with Figure 2 which describes this same variability globally. Given that the land area of Tetiaroa does not exceed 6 km 2, the variability of the coconut fruit reached the atoll on an extraordinarily high level.
So many different kinds of coconut can hardly be met in a small area by the simple game of chance. We therefore assumed that someone has been on the motu Onetahi, bringing together a collection of coconut varieties. This collection was most probably planted at the time of Marlon Brando. He or his family have had to ask their friends to give them Polynesian seed the largest possible number of variety of coconut. . If the existence of this collection is obviously interesting, its scientific and practical interest is limited. The low number of trees planted by variety limits the representativeness of genetic varieties and the fact that all varieties are planted near each other will lead to mixtures, if one tries to reproduce.
No varieties of dwarf coconut palm is present on the atoll. With the exception of motus Onetahi and Rimaturu'u, Tetiaroa is planted with coconut trees typical large Polynesian selected for copra: Fruit medium sized, with thick wad of medium to low, nuts rather round shape to slightly oval, almond enough thick. However, the growth conditions of these coconuts are unfavorable. Soils have been impoverished by a long monoculture, rats can consume up to 70% of nuts on the trees and ground (Ribi et al. 2006) Fruits are few. This makes it difficult to assess varietal on purely morphological. To be more precise analysis should be conducted by microsatellite DNA sample leaf of fifty on each coconut motu. Fosberg and Sachet According
(1983) only a few coconut trees were planted on the Motu Aie, and all these coconuts had been slaughtered at the time of their visit. During our visit in 2007, we found the presence of a score of coconut trees on the motu, can be derived from regrowth spontanée.En regards varieties of coconut, the motu is the richest Onetahi. This is also where the growth conditions of the coconuts are best, so where varietal differences can best be expressed. The coconut
called 'Nape', or 'Puru', or 'Rau-'aha "correspond to several ancient Polynesian varieties specially selected for strings with the fibers of the pith (fruit coat). Some coconut trees of this type were found in two very limited areas of the Motu Onetahi. Again, trees of the same variety are planted in close proximity to each other.
Teihotu also indicated the existence on the Motu Onetahi, a coconut "medicinal". But it does recollection of his precise location. He was eventually appointed a green coconut with nuts, one of whose fruit is pictured in Figure 5. However, we are not entirely on whether many of the coconut "medicinal". Indeed, we observed a variety Tonga Polynesian coconut "medicinal", which had very specific characteristics: fruit oval and smaller than one color rather dark gray-green and easily recognizable, floss (husk of the fruit) tinted pink inside when the fruit is still young, and tend to self-fertilization. That said, it is not certain that the coconut tree called "medicinal" in French Polynesia is exactly the kind Tongan.
5 illustrates the variability of the fruit of the coconut trees on the atoll of Tetiaroa, this figure can be compared with Figure 2 which describes this same variability globally. Given that the land area of Tetiaroa does not exceed 6 km 2, the variability of the coconut fruit reached the atoll on an extraordinarily high level.

No varieties of dwarf coconut palm is present on the atoll. With the exception of motus Onetahi and Rimaturu'u, Tetiaroa is planted with coconut trees typical large Polynesian selected for copra: Fruit medium sized, with thick wad of medium to low, nuts rather round shape to slightly oval, almond enough thick. However, the growth conditions of these coconuts are unfavorable. Soils have been impoverished by a long monoculture, rats can consume up to 70% of nuts on the trees and ground (Ribi et al. 2006) Fruits are few. This makes it difficult to assess varietal on purely morphological. To be more precise analysis should be conducted by microsatellite DNA sample leaf of fifty on each coconut motu. Fosberg and Sachet According
(1983) only a few coconut trees were planted on the Motu Aie, and all these coconuts had been slaughtered at the time of their visit. During our visit in 2007, we found the presence of a score of coconut trees on the motu, can be derived from regrowth spontanée.En regards varieties of coconut, the motu is the richest Onetahi. This is also where the growth conditions of the coconuts are best, so where varietal differences can best be expressed. The coconut
called 'Nape', or 'Puru', or 'Rau-'aha "correspond to several ancient Polynesian varieties specially selected for strings with the fibers of the pith (fruit coat). Some coconut trees of this type were found in two very limited areas of the Motu Onetahi. Again, trees of the same variety are planted in close proximity to each other.
Teihotu also indicated the existence on the Motu Onetahi, a coconut "medicinal". But it does recollection of his precise location. He was eventually appointed a green coconut with nuts, one of whose fruit is pictured in Figure 5. However, we are not entirely on whether many of the coconut "medicinal". Indeed, we observed a variety Tonga Polynesian coconut "medicinal", which had very specific characteristics: fruit oval and smaller than one color rather dark gray-green and easily recognizable, floss (husk of the fruit) tinted pink inside when the fruit is still young, and tend to self-fertilization. That said, it is not certain that the coconut tree called "medicinal" in French Polynesia is exactly the kind Tongan.
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