Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jaw Imlpant Befor And After


Speech March 2, 2010 on the occasion of signing the lease House keeping Célières available to the association's House Book of New Caledonia . ________

Mr. Mayor, Mr.
Director of Cultural Affairs and customary, representing government,
Madam Representative of the State,
Madam Vice-President of the South Province,
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends

A year ago, almost to the day we were here to sign a letter of commitment to each other where you reaffirm, the Mayor, a firm commitment from the city of Noumea to provide House Paper Célières home. You reassured us as well - I quote - your "unwavering support for the life and fate of Caledonian Paper".

We were virtually no budget, no permanent, but united by a common conviction that writing, promotion, its editing, its distribution is needed, that writing is part of our history and our condition, that it is the founder of our being and our body secret society, as any text, I am sure his hand out of roots, remembers the future.

The bet was taken. One hundred actions and transactions have been planned and conducted in situ and in the bush: literary workshops in Lifou, Read through Caledonia, readings, show at the Centre Tjibaou, book presentations, conferences, round tables, exchanges with Vanuatu, literary cafes and exhibitions with the association writers and library Bernheim, tours in costume with a Past Evidence, as well as fruitful and numerous meetings with students and their teachers.

The government of New Caledonia and the Advisory Board of the Book and access to knowledge have been quick to validate MLNC as the "Center for the Book and the Writing of New Caledonia." The city, the Southern Province and the State have accompanied this process and are in turn invested. Here they are all thanked for their confidence and commitment.

remained to go to the next level: to ensure even better, through the pole Read a Country, in connection with the association of publishers, book promotion Caledonian assume our resources functions and advisory assistance to education aid applications, professionalize the book trade and information, integrating digital technologies, ensuring a steady increase in our actions and animations throughout.

On an island that produces between 80 and 90 pounds per year, in a country that has 13 literary awards, this issue and these goals are meaningful, because we all love passionately this earth and we all want to share to others.

This is the great challenge that we face this year with an increased capacity for work, a database of broader consultation and involvement even more of each member association.

Before concluding, I wish to acknowledge three people. First, that Gilbert Bladinières has defended this great project, having the guts to dream with us. And Cyril Pigeau, on the eve of his departure, he has led for 7 years the Department of Culture of the city. Thank you, Cyril, for your angelic patience, your unfailing respect, your taste for dialogue. Finally, I would like to introduce our new director - he has assumed his duties yesterday: Jean-Brice Peirano, I ask you to welcome and support, because the task is immense.

Some, I know, think or say impossible. It is a word I hear but as soon as I reject. What a great excuse to dispense with daring, not to do or not gestures. The impossible for us here, is not unattainable, the miracle daily renewed labor and the will to make the dream of life unite in the heart of man.

Frédéric Ohlen


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