Monday, June 29, 2009

How Long Does The Effect Of Plan B

retain traditional varieties Polynesian coconut

We had the pleasure of receiving a letter from the association Te Mana O Te Moana, incorporating a decision of the family of Marlon Brando and Pacific Company Beachcomber SC.
This letter confirms the integration of five blocks of the famous atoll of Tetiaroa, which was acquired for 99 years by actor Marlon Brando, in the conservatory project "POLYMOTU.

Five varieties of traditional Polynesian coconut Tetiaroa will therefore be kept at a rate of one variety per block.

The "Polymotu" provides for the planting of 25 varieties of coconut over fifty islands and remote valleys and the fact of starting with a symbolic dimension Tetiaroa gives very positive project.
That said, we still have another 45 islands and valleys to find ....
For more information on the project Polymotu, check the blog:

Denise Milani Black Dresse

Rescue in extremis coconut horned Tetiaroa!

A rare coconut with horn was present on the atoll motu Onetahi Tetiaroa . Only Teihotu, son of Marlon Brando, knew the exact location of a coconut tree. Teihotu also refused to disclose this location. In 2006, he gave me a fruit (very old, therefore sterile) of the coconut. I still have this fruit, which I thoroughly aired the photographs (see message of 17 February 2009 published in this blog).
It turns out that coconut to the location kept secret has been killed by mistake during the recent motu Onetahi amenities. This is sometimes the price of secrecy ...
So we asked to search among the nuts fall to the ground while some had the characteristics of coconut with horn.
Cecile Gaspar, President of the association Te Mana O Te Moana, was able to find ten seeds that could be transferred to the nursery. Some of these seeds germinated, as shown in the photos below cons. If the coconut to horn has disappeared, at least their genes they are saved, and we will find coconut palms in this horned offspring.
In 2006, when I was on Tetiaroa, we asked Teihotu, son of Marlon Brando to collect seeds and coconut horned planting. Since then, Teihotu moved Tetiaroa. During my visit to Tahiti in 2009, I was unable to contact him.
In contrast, according to Cecilia, it appears that he followed my advice and has him also planted some plants in coconut horn yet he will know precisely where these young coconuts are located.
One of the thirteen islands of Tetiaroa should be replanted with coconut seeds with horns, while retaining the other plant species. These seeds come from Tetiaroa but also other islands in French Polynesia in which lurk a few coconuts to horn.
It is certain that this particular island will become even more iconic, such as the Vallee de Mai Praslin Island in Seychelles, which thrive in the famous coco-butt ...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Manual For Gemmy Incredible Holiday Light Show

The three selected logos /

Original idea Columbine Dubail

Story by Camille Lefort

Original idea of Alison Brown

Contest idea offered to students to upgrade Applied Arts / Vauréal .
Projects supervised by Estelle and Sophie Raguideau Perdriel, applied arts teachers.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hot Flash And Dizziness


This is an operation that allows readers to "playing" with books . It is an American computer scientist of 37 years, Ron Hornbaker, who was in 2000, invented the concept. The approach consists to "liberate" books, leaving them in clear evidence in various public places so that readers find them, read them and have them move back by handing them into the circuit. It is estimated that there are every day around the world 500 new readers begin to practice the game nearly 200,000 players each year!

On the occasion of the exhibition "Books in the city which took place in July 2006, local publishers and authors had already launched such an operation. The experiment is now repeated on a larger scale.

The Pass books does not in circulation books abandoned or lost, it does not build up a personal library at little cost. The goal is really establish a network of readers, players sharing books and reading emotions.

After being mothballed for nearly two years, the operation has been relaunched from 10 March 2009, with the hope that it can be continued throughout 2009 and beyond.

What books?

To power the game, its organizers have a stock of 300 books given by publishers, authors, and some individuals. The public will be asked again to replenish the fund, since the idea is good just to give a book that we loved and we want to share with other "reader-traffickers.

Where can I find books?

Everything is centralized at the Maison du Livre. From there, the books circulate elsewhere in the city to other municipalities and even across the country.

For more information, visit the pass-books

Pl-2303 Vista Driver Installer

Initiated in Montreal, initially by People's Aid, the adventure of writing Book was born in the Pacific, will Sylvia Couraud who launched the idea at the 4th book fair Polynesian in 2005. This book writing, reprinted 10,000 copies includes 16 blank pages A5 .

Distributed free throughout, it is filled by all those who wish to own and learn this book anonymously, showing, with a reservoir of words can also serve as shifters, 8 proposals writing.

I have a dream for my island ... ,
I tell the story of my family ... ,
What makes me happy ...

These papers will then be collected in order to edit this time, a book of popular expression , comic anthology of responses and / or written the most eloquent, the most moving.

It turns out that the book writing adventure, attempted in his time in Polynesia, has met with tremendous success, which encouraged developers to propose the MLNC here as this formula.

Here is an excerpt from the book (page 3):


This book is yours, yours.
is a space of expression open to all.
You are free to write as you want,
few words, some phrases, or much more,
in French and Kanak languages.
You can write on every page, or
choose the one (s) you prefer.

A reservoir of words awaits you at the first
and the last page. You'll find
words that will inspire you and maybe help you.
You can also draw and paint on the book.

When you're done, remember
return it to us. All libraries
points and reading can be approved.
You can also send it by mail to the library
Bernheim, BP G1, 98848 Noumea.

If you're enrolled, you can submit
your institution, your teacher, your teacher or
we will do so.

10,000 free books circulating in New Caledonia.
Your writings will be collected.
The selected texts will
publish a book that will be yours, who will hear your voice.